Urban Ed is a very progressive organization with a committed team that has accomplished a lot in just a small amount of time! Since our launch in southeast DC, we have served over 6,300 children, youth and families; providing over 985,300 hours of technical, career, business and educational skills enhancements.

Urban Ed has achieved a lot over the years, helping people get the skills and access to information they need, to begin changing their lives for the better. Parents are securing solid skills for permanent full-time employment, with wages that are more than double the minimum wage. Teens are finding better ways to do things and make better decisions, while endorsing technology and the workplace in ways they never even cared to think about. Children are carving out an advantage, by learning technology skills that improve their education levels and help them leap ahead, instead of falling behind.

The impact of our work is notable and truly does have long-term effect. Families are evading homelessness, and in most cases, our organization assists them in earning enough to get out of homeless shelters or off public assistance rosters. Teens are staying in school, reducing truancy and graduating, in order to work and function properly in professional environments—whether they attend college or go to work immediately after high school. Without Urban Ed, these options are less likely to occur for the vast majority of teens from our neighborhoods. Children are no longer among the 80% that are failing before the fourth grade. They are better prepared to function within their grade level and excited to do so. Urban Ed’s overall approach is full circle, starting at the root of the issues by working with children; dealing with the potential to reduce community issues by working with teens; and addressing the existing needs of our community by working with adults and parents.


Read about some of the real examples of the difference we have made. Click each tab to read the Success Stories to truly feel the impact.

Daniel's Success Story

I came from poverty. I never owned a car, and never lived in my own place. Before I found Urban Ed, I was stuck in dead-end jobs. After graduating from Urban Ed in 2013, my life changed dramatically.

Tina's Success Story

Before Urban Ed, I was on a dead-end road. I was unhappy and I wanted more. When I came across Urban Ed's website, something inside me said "Go for it." I was so surprised when Ms.Williams invited me in for an interview.

Anton's Success Story

My dad was a cryptologist you would build computers with me, and I used to take apart and rebuild PlayStations when I was a kid. I knew I wanted to be in tech, but I wasn't sure how I would do it until I discovered Urban Ed.

April's Success Story

I had been interested in IT for a while and had some experience, but didn't have the costly certifications that I needed to get a job in the field. I was working at the Department of Energy as receptionist; I felt like I was stuck at a stop sign. I was seeking help with getting certifications and found Urban Ed online.

Floyd's Success Story

I was 55 or 56 when I enrolled in Urban Ed. I was looking for something different, something interesting to do. I went to Urban Ed during the day, and I worked at night. I was so tired all the time, but I still went. I had to be there, for the other students. These kids come from the streets, and you can get lost so easily in these urban areas.

The pandemic changed alot for many of us, including Urban Ed, but we endured. Please click here to check out our Pandemic Resiliency Report for more info on what we were able to stay ahead of and accomplish in the early days of this major health crisis.

After over a year of planning, Urban Ed officially launched our program expansion in January 2018 with more career pathways and entry points into the IT field for those we serve. We grew from 1 career pathway to 6 and from 2 courses to 15 approved courses by OSSE. Career pathways include cybersecurity, network engineering, IT support, computer programming, cloud computing, and software development.

  • During the past two years, we had 240 applicants apply to our new STEMAcad program. A total of 156 students (65%) completed the enrollment process and was accepted into the program. Our dropout rates averaged between 15-17%, given way to a total of 126 students completing their course content and preparing for exams & job placement.
  • Specifically during the 2019 adult IT STEMAcad
    • 82 served
    • 83% program completion
    • 79% pass rates (several late 2019 still in training)
    • 73% job placement rates (many late 2019 still in training, placement phases)
    • avg wages $21-$30/hr
  • Specifically during the 2018 adult IT STEMAcad
    • 74 served
    • 79% program completion
    • 87% pass rates
    • 80% job placement rates
    • avg wages $19-$26/hr
  • During the past two years covering the 2017-2019 school years, we had 222 referrals of truant youth covering 6 schools with a total of 197 (89%) of the youth actively engaged throughout the school year.
  • Became an approved Eligible Training Provider with the Workforce Investment Council (WIC) & the DC Department of Employment Services’ (DOES) American Job Centers across the city.
  • Urban Ed does very well contributing to the diversity & inclusion within the IT field by bringing more women of color into IT averaging about 43% of those enrolled being females. The remaining 57% are black & latino males.
  • Devised a plan to expand our cloud computing AWS training into middle schools providing youth a viable vocational skill set early on. The initial implementation is anticipated to begin in 2020.
  • Devised a plan to expand our Lil Bitties work from just a summer program to year round. The initial implementation is anticipated to begin in 2021.
  • Served over 400 youth and young adults.
  • Provided more than 50,000 hours of technical training and career development support.
  • Was recognized as One of the Best Nonprofits in the region by the Catalogue for Philanthropy.
  • Became a licensed state educational institution under the DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE).
  • Received a significant investment from JP Morgan Chase that paved the way for moving the four year career pathways plan forward.
  • Served over 250 youth and young adults.
  • Provided 49,300 hours of technical training and career development support.
  • Had a 71% pass rate with an 78% placement rate into IT careers.
  • Expanded our work into six (6) middle schools as part of the citywide Show Up Stand Out (SUSO) initiative serving 130 truant youth engaging 62% of the youth with 73% showing new IT skills and 81% enhancing IT career awareness.
  • Established solid partnerships and began the startup implementation of our 4 year career pathways expansion plan.
  • Served 60 youth and young adults.
  • Provided 15,480 hours of technical training and career development support.
  • Had a 65% pass rate with an 80% placement rate into IT careers.
  • Expanded our work into five (5) middle schools as part of the citywide Show Up Stand Out (SUSO) initiative serving 33 truant youth.
  • Established a 4 year plan to enhance our IT training model to expand our career pathways and training methods.
  • Completed organizational strategic planning with aggressive growth and sustainability plans.
  • Served 77 young adults and teens.
  • Provided over 9,800 hours of technical training and career development support.
  • Had an 55% pass rate with an 83% placement rate into IT careers. Our lower pass rates this year was due to literacy challenges and the target groups we worked with.
  • Remodeled our facility to serve more people each year
  • Expanded our lab capacity by 160%
  • Secured new computer systems with the latest technology to include virtual and touch capabilities
  • Became an international Pearson Vue testing center able to administer global IT and a myriad of professional development certification exams right in the community.
  • Served 70 young adults, teens and children.
  • Continued our 3 year trend by having an 88% pass rate on at least one global IT industry certification and a 100% placement rate into $14-$20 per hour IT careers.
  • Achieved 103% increases in reading and 85% increases in math, which equate to actual grade level improvement and not just letter grades. Ninety percent of our Bitties also demonstrated increased knowledge of computers and the use of technology.
  • Served 70 young adults, teens and children.
  • Provided over 150 hours of out-of-school time enrichment for children improving their grade-level assessments by one letter grade.
  • Improved technical proficiency and workplace skills of teens from an average 34% to 72%; and teens that held a truancy rate of 30% at school held steady with an 80% attendance rate.
  • Had an 8
  • Served 115 young adults, teens and children.
  • Empowered teens from our teen program to provide over 2,400 hours of out-of-school time enrichment for children to continue to improve the children’s grades by 25% (or one letter grade).
  • Improved academic outcomes for teens with 90% promoted to the next grade level, and increased their knowledge and awareness on social issues and business and technology thru 11,600 hours of personal and professional development.
  • Completed the successful launch of our IT Help Desk Training with 81% of graduates securing 4 global certifications AND working at starting wages of $17-$19 per hour.
  • Served 105 young adults, teens and children.
  • Provided over 240 hours of out-of-school time enrichment for children improving their grades by 25% (or one letter grade).
  • Changed the attitudes and risky behavior of teens as evidenced by pre and post surveys with 87% indicating they will THINK about things differently and 57% indicating they will actually DO things differently.
  • Launched the initial pilot of our IT Apprenticeship program, increasing global certification rates to 81%.
  • We changed our fiscal year which now ends on September 30. Even during this short year we served a total of 88 participants.
  • Provided 17,795 hours of instruction.
  • We redesigned our teen program, becoming one of five organizations to help DC agencies develop youth most in need and most at-risk.
  • Eighty-three percent of the young adults we served and that completed the program went to work with average wages of $13.33 per hour or enrolled in an advanced training program, despite the economic hardships.
  • We served a total of 130 participants.
  • Provided 20,325 hours of instruction.
  • Forty-six percent of those we served were children ages 5-7 and teens both in school and detained in juvenile detention.
  • Eighty-one percent of the young adults we served and that completed the program went to work with average wages of $12.96 per hour or enrolled in an advanced training program.
  • We served a total of 132 participants.
  • Provided 14,063 hours of instruction.
  • At the close of 2007, we started our programs in three special sites serving two public housing communities, Park Morton and Garfield Terrace and at the Oak Hill Juvenile Detention Center.
  • Seventy-one percent of the college-age youth and adults we served completed the program with all starting work with average wages of $11.50 – $19.50 per hour or enrolled in an advanced training program.
  • Maintained a 93% stay in school retention rate.
  • We served 131 participants.
  • Provided 9,760 hours of instruction
  • Had an 85% placement rate of average wages of $12.67.
  • 143 school-age youth demonstrated improved office technology proficiency prior to working as interns.
  • 32 college-age youth and adults were provided over 5,200 hours of technical certification instruction with 86% placed in jobs averaging nearly $11 per hour.
  • 30 school-age youth demonstrated improved academic achievement and stayed in school.
  • 27 college-age youth were provided over 5,300 hours of technical certification instruction, and 50% had the confidence to take required industry certification exams.
  • 81% of participants enrolled in college, started a small business or secured full-time employment, with wages ranging from $9-$15 per hour.
  • Urban Ed completed a three-year strategic planning process.
  • Urban Ed achieved a 65 percent increase in contributions from individual donors.
  • Serviced 104 teens in various academic proficiency and personal development activities that included such things as public speaking through poetry/reading slams and simulated business presentations, health workshops on teen pregnancy and drugs and alcohol, business writing through newsletters, community safety and peer ethics through workshops with local police, career development through employment agencies and several combined recreational and entrepreneurial workshops.
  • Trained 111 youth and adults on basic technology, which included PC repair and maintenance, computer essentials, computer basics, HTML, and digital music providing over 5,500 hours of instruction.
  • Secured 35 youth employment through various programs and organizations as interns throughout the year and during the summer months.
  • 29 youth led fundraising activities for their own special projects under our entrepreneurial training raising nearly $2,000.
  • 19 youth attended business networking meetings attended by over 150 people from the corporate and philanthropic community with 4 youth speaking to the overall group.
  • Trained 16 young adults for technical proficiency at the A+ certification level able to fill such positions as PC Maintenance Technicians, Help Desk Support, Computer Operators, LAN Support and Operating System Programmers, providing over 3,500 hours of instruction.
  • Test piloted training for 16 young adults all under the age of 23 in financial literacy utilizing a curriculum that we are still refining with the help of Northwestern Mutual.
  • Posted over 250 jobs given our constituents access to opportunities throughout the region.
  • Was a key partner in the completion of the 5,680 square foot Bellevue Housing Counseling and Computer Learning Center now open at 4415 South Capitol, Street in southeast DC.
  • Increased our support by over 400% in one year.
  • Trained 31 youth and adults on basic technology, which included PC repair and maintenance, computer essentials, computer basics, HTML, and digital music providing over 3,100 hours of instruction