Through our Pathways to Prosperity initiative, we are transforming youth and young adults into high-performing, well-paid members of society. We are also helping children and youth make gains by using our technology training to support academic performance and truancy. Applications are accepted for all programs on an ongoing basis but only reviewed during recruitment periods (see course catalogs). Potential candidates can apply for our STEMAcad training online and currently there is no application fee to apply. Registration for our high school and middle school work is driven by each school. Our current programs under our Pathways initiative include:

Testing Center
Urban Ed is a certified testing center to administer a number of IT certification exams. Those interested in Pearson Vue exams must schedule their exams directly with Pearson Vue. For Certiport exams, testing candidates can contact us for more info about scheduling an exam and cost. Call us at 202-610-2344 or email Urban Ed Certification Testing.
Certification exams include:
- Any Pearson Vue global certification exam
- Certiport exams for Microsoft office applications
- Microsoft Technology Associate
- iCritial Thinking
- CompTIA STRATA certification
- IC3, and
- Adobe certified associate
- QuickBooks