Urban Ed has implemented a unique approach to our technology programs by using the computer to enrich children by at least one letter grade during the summer months. A fully aligned curriculum with the Common Core standards for children in grades K – 2, we are taking technology to a new height for urban children. Our summer camp program is for children ages 5-7 and/or going to kindergarten, first grade or second grade. The grade level is a mandatory requirement for enrollment although in the interest of keeping siblings together, Urban Ed will consider older youth. Our systems and processes are capable of working with youth up to 12th grade.

Generally, when children enroll in our program they are only about 40% ready for their grade. However, after completing our program they are between 75-80% ready. These gains amount to a letter grade improvement (i.e. from C to a B) and in some cases an entire grade level (i.e. from Kindergarten to 1st grade). This advancement has been instrumental in helping many children stay ahead in school and this powerful program was also featured on WUSA-TV Channel 9’s “Friday’s Heroes!”
Enrollment CLOSED – DUE TO THE ONGOING RISKS OF COVID-19. Urban Ed is working on new approaches to program implementation for the upcoming summer 2024!