Tina's Success Story

Before Urban Ed, I was on a dead end road. I was unhappy and I wanted more. When I came across Urban Ed’s website, something inside me said “Go for it.” I was so surprised when Ms.Williams invited me in for an interview.
I walked two hours each way, to and from class. I did this until I was offered a job that would pay enough for bus fare and also to put some food in my stomach. I had my face in my books, studying all the time. With Mr. Moore’s guidance, I learned more about myself. It chokes me up to think about what my life was like three years ago.
This has been an awesome adventure. My classmates have become my second family. All of us from that class have gone on to bigger opportunities. I felt like we were the chosen ones, overcoming every obstacle to get our certifications.
I enjoy what I do, and I feel like I can finally breathe. Building pathways to opportunity truly hits the nail on the head. The IT world is so big, and I know that I will be prosperous.